[texhax] TexShop Error???

Jeannine Bestine jeannine_bestine at harvard.edu
Thu Mar 17 03:51:25 CET 2005

I have a user who has one installation of TexShop 1.35c on her laptop, 
and we've installed version 1.35f on the desktop provided. The problem 
is that when she goes to typeset the documents on the desktop we've 
provided she gets the following error:

! Undefined control sequence.
<argument> ... \footnotesep \ignorespaces \citeNP
                                                   {nietzsche 1994}, pp. 
l.38 ...ootnote{\citeNP{nietzsche 1994}, pp. 8-9.}
                                                    According to 
Nietzsche, R...


If I comment it out, it of course just goes to the next footnote with 
the same error.  I'm at a loss here.  HELP!

Jeannine Bestine

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