[texhax] Widowed section headlines on a page

Dieter Meinert DMeinert at RosenInspection.net
Tue Jun 21 10:54:05 CEST 2005

Hi all,

I have a definite page layout I cannot change.
Now I have a document consisting of chapters and sections, where the
only consist of headline and floats.
I use 

\usepackage[section]{placeins}  (\thanks{texfaq}) 

to keep the floats in the sections, however I often get the section
on the bottom of one page and the floats on the next page. 

Since sometimes two complete sections may fit on one page \clearpage
before a 
section is no solution. 

How could I get the section head printed on the same page as the first
of that section ?

 							Dieter Meinert
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