[texhax] math symbols in makeindex

Zbigniew Nitecki zbigniew.nitecki at tufts.edu
Mon Jul 25 17:32:13 CEST 2005

Using the MakeIndex package to create an index, I wanted to have an  
entry, as if it were an ordinary R, but printed as a blackboard bold  
R.  The following indexing entry in the text
(following the rules on p. 652 of the Latex Companion, 2nd ed.) was  
rejected.  Here is the
entry from the ilg file:
     !! Input index error (file = Calculus.idx, line = 32):
    -- Extra `@' at position 5 of first argument.
The line referred to in the idx file is
     \indexentry{R@$\@mathbb {R}$}{17}

So the program itself seems to add an extra @, which creates an  
error.  How do I avoid the

Zbigniew Nitecki
Department of Mathematics
Tufts University
Medford, MA 02155

Office    (617)627-3843
Dept.    (617)627-3234
Dept. fax    (617)627-3966

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