[texhax] clas brief

Aldo olr at brlspeak.net
Wed Jan 19 09:42:07 CET 2005


first of all let me tell you that I'm very very new to TeX/LaTeX,
I'm visually impaired and I like to use this solution since it is 
the best one for presenting correctly articles, reports and letters.

Today I'd like to write you because I'm desperate:
I'm looking for may weeks for contacting the current maintainer of the 
brief.cls (Dutch) because he did a big mistake: he created a letter style who
is ok for the Netherlands but in Belgium we use a style who is much more 
equivalent to the French lettre one; 
I mean: it concerns the fact that in our country the destination 
address *must* come at the right part of your letter, to be read in the 
window of the envelope. Well, the brief.cls places by defaut the 
destination address on the left, and although he explains that there 
exist an option "adresrechts" in the file
with no more explanations it is absolutely impossible for a newbie to 
know what to do exactly.

Btw there is another major problem: as blind and Lynx browser user, when 
I surf the net, I only see manuals in pdf, so I still have to transform 
them in txt or html (I'm a Linux console (textmode) user only). And when 
doing that some layout informations is lost; so searching for the exact 
info is quite heavy.
Question: how can we ask for implementing info inside a file? or 
providing more examples? And how to contact Johannes braams who seem to 
be the newer brief.cls maintainer?


Osvaldo La Rosa.

PS: if I'm not in touch with the appropriate person/instance, feel free 
to fwd me to the right one.

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