[texhax] List of equations

"Prof. André Luiz Tietböhl Ramos. "Prof. André Luiz Tietböhl Ramos.
Wed Apr 13 21:09:47 CEST 2005

dear andre luis ramos,
thanks for your inquiry:

    How could I generate a list of equations which are in my document and each
    one has \label command please?  Thank you very much indeed.

there isn't a facility for a list of labeled equations
in any of the ams latex document classes.  however, i
believe that someone else might have created a package
for this.  i suggest that you inquire on the comp.text.tex
newsgroup and/or the discussion list texhax at tug.org.
the readers of those forums are both knowledgeable and

Barbara Beeton
Technical Support
American Mathematical Society
Phone: 800-321-4AMS (321-4267) or 401-455-4080
Internet: tech-support at ams.org

Prof. André Luiz Tietböhl Ramos, M.Sc.
Ph.D. Candidate
Dept. of Industrial and Systems Engineering
Virginia Tech
Professor, Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica e Mecatrônica, PUC/RS
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