[texhax] Typing Chinese with plain TeX

Rodolfo Medina romeomedina at libero.it
Sun Sep 5 16:20:47 CEST 2004

Tang, I'm now downloading gnus.tar.gz, and also gnu.ps.gz.

When you say:

>   I use mule-gbk(http://mule-gbk.sourceforge.net) to deal with
>   chinese, which is a bigger charset than cn-gb-2312. But I think
>   gb2312 charset is enough for you.
>   You can also install the *simsun.ttf*, which is a vector type
>   font and have more pretty visual effect. Just change the font
>   name 'Fangsong ti' to 'simsun'. 'Fangsong ti' is a
>   bitmap font. so can't be zoomed in and out arbitrarily.
>   You even can specify different fonts for ascii characters and
>   chinese characters:
>      Edit the .emacs:
>      (create-fontset-from-fontset-spec
>          "-*-courier new-normal-r-*-*-14-*-*-*-c-*-fontset-chinese,
>          chinese-gb2312:-*-fangsong
>ti-medium-r-*--16-*-*-*-*-*-gb2312.1980-0" t)
>      (setq default-frame-alist
>                (append
>                 '((font . "fontset-chinese"))
>                 default-frame-alist))
>     ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     OR
>     Edit you ~/.Xdefaults
>     ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     Emacs.Font: fontset-chinese
>     Emacs.Fontset-0:-*-courier new-normal-r-*-*-14-*-*-*-c-*-fontset-chinese,\
>          chinese-gb2312:-*-fangsong ti-medium-r-*--16-*-*-*-*-*-gb2312.1980-0
>     --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     $xrdb ~/.Xdefaults
>     restart Emacs.
>     This setting let emacs handle ascii characters with 'courier
>     new' and handle chinese characters with 'fangsong ti'.

, are you stills speaking of gnus or you've got back to emacs configuration?

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