[texhax] I need help please

Donn Miller-Kermani dkermani at fit.edu
Wed Nov 10 14:31:14 CET 2004



I am trying to insert a list of variables in a Ph.D. dissertation after the
list of tables and list of figures. I am using a class file provided by the
university but there is no such thing as a list of variables already there.
How do I do this? I am a novice at tex and have been flying by the seat of
my pants and really need the help. Thank


Donn Miller-Kermani

Director, International Federation of Nonlinear Analysts (IFNA)

Florida Institute of Technology
Dept. of Mathematical Sciences

Melbourne, FL 32901

(321) 674-7412 (phone/fax)

dkermani at fit.edu



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