[texhax] \MakeUppercase vs. \uppercase

Philip TAYLOR P.Taylor at Rhul.Ac.Uk
Sat Jul 24 13:19:47 CEST 2004

Dear Ky Anh -- The TeX primitive \uppercase is /very/ anomolous
in terms of the timing of its operation (you would need to read
/The TeXbook/ in great detail to completely understand its
operation) which is one reason why Leslie Lamport (or possibly
Messrs Mittelbach et al -- I don't know who actually implemented
it) provided a more robust and consistent replacement for LaTeX users.

Even serious plain TeX hackers sometimes have problems understanding
the exact timing of \uppercase, so I wouldn't worry too much if you
don't : just use the LaTeX equivalent instead!)

Hy vo.ng no' tra? lo+`i ca^u hoi? cua? ba.n !!!

Ky Anh wrote:

 > Dear TeXhax,
 > I am a VnTeX users (TeX for Vietnamese, URL: http://vntex.sarovar.org/ )
 > My problem:
 > ~~~~~~~~
 > In LaTeX, \MakeUppercase is ok, but \uppercase is incorrect sometimes.
 > Could you explain the problem?
 > Thank you very much!

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