[texhax] citation problems

Philip G. Ratcliffe philipratcliffe at tiscali.it
Thu Jan 29 10:53:20 CET 2004

> I am using the harvard.sty style for citations which happily
> gives the author-year citations that I need, such as
> \cite{miller}           Miller, 1998
> \citename{miller}       Miller
> \citeasnoun{miller}     Miller (1998)
> etc
> however, I am looking for a style that will automatically
> truncate the names after the first reference
> the first should be
> Miller, Steven, Johnson (1998)
> and subsequent references
> Miller et al (1998)
> I am hoping that it will still preserve the different forms
> (ie, \citename, \citeasnoun, \citeyear etc).

You might want to look at the natbib package - it doesn't do it
automatically but has, e.g., a \citet* for full name set and just \citet to
truncate - but it also requires a .bib file that might have a slightly
different format to what you have (I'm not too familiar with harvard.sty

Cordialmente,  Philip G. Ratcliffe

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