[texhax] Grand FInale -- Chemistry molecular structures

Luís Vitório Cargnini cargnini at matrix.com.br
Sun Feb 29 06:23:25 CET 2004

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Finally after Douglas Waud had answered my e-mail i founded, following his indication the following link:
or for FreeBSD users with LaTeX installed:
(I've discovered after founded the doc, because i don't founded the ppchtex in ports, so i tried to find them installed
on my system)

This docs describe How-To use the package ppchTeX -- a macro-package for typesetting chemical structures formulas.
I've don't finished to read the docs, but it's look to solve my problem, if anyone find something else please still
answering using [OFF-TOPIC]  on subject, because believe on me find this kind of specialized information isn't easy.
I've find the Japanese package xymtex:
if someone knows Japanese well and want to translate to us, we will enjoy 8-).

On Sat, 28 Feb 2004 16:11:33 -0500
doug waud <douglas.waud at umassmed.edu> wrote:

Thanks && Regards
Luís Vitório Cargnini
Master Degree Student @ PUC-RS
Computer Science Bacharelor
Pontifícia Universidade Católica - Rio Grande do Sul
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