[texhax] Tex Live Question

William F. Adams wadams at atlis.com
Wed Dec 15 16:58:55 CET 2004

On Dec 14, 2004, at 6:14 PM, Sally Kinlaw wrote:

> Will TexLive work with OS9?  Or will he need OSX?

If moving to OS X isn't an option you'll need to use one of the 
shareware or commercial TeX implementations for the Mac.

Here's a good reference site to learn about that sort of thing:


But that's not being up-dated and it's very behind the times as it were.

Another alternative would be to get Linux for your Mac if it's 
compatible with one of the distributions, that'd come with Linux and 
you'd be able to install TeXlive.

Moving to Mac OS X would be far preferrable though, in which case I'd 
suggest you get:

TeXshop - http://www.uoregon.edu/~koch/texshop/texshop.html
Gerben Wierda's i-installer (link to it from the above page)
XeTeX - http://scripts.sil.org/xetex
Will Robertson's Fontspec - 


William Adams, publishing specialist
voice - 717-731-6707 | Fax - 717-731-6708

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