[texhax] BiBTeX question (natbib)

Philip G. Ratcliffe philipratcliffe at tiscali.it
Tue Dec 7 21:44:52 CET 2004

> In my preamble I have \usepackage{natbib}
> in my text, I have, e.g.
>         It requires the same sort of data as GLM,
>         and offers the same sort of results, but relaxes the
>         assumption of independence  \citep{raudenbush02,
>         verbeke00}.
> near the end of my text I have \bibliographystyle{agsm}
> I then run PDFLaTeX on this file, the bibtex on the .aux file, then
> PDFLaTeX on the .tex file twice more,
> But, instead of the above giving me something like
> (Raudenbush & Bryk, 2002; Verbeke and Molenberghs, 2000)
> it gives me (13, 17).
> And some cites give me (author?)
> when I am sure that the cite is in the .bib file.

A first off-the-top-of-my-head reply is that if natbib cannot order your
cites (say because one of them doesn't have a year or an author---typos?),
then it falls back on ordinary sequential numbering.

If that doesn't help then we need a _minimal_ example.

Oh, just one thought: and if you use LaTeX instead of pdfLaTeX?

Cordialmente,  Philip G. Ratcliffe
Professor of Nuclear & Subnuclear Physics
Dipartimento di Fisica e Matematica
Universita degli Studi dell'Insubria
via Valleggio 11
22100 Como (CO)

Tel. +39 (031) 238.6231
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Web  http://www.unico.it/~pgr

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