AW: [texhax] Hello - I have a problem

Philip TAYLOR P.Taylor at Rhul.Ac.Uk
Thu Aug 19 18:25:07 CEST 2004

Randolph J. Herber wrote:

 > 	On the same basis as you deny me the privilege to complain
 > 	about a metric basis of European software.  And, my complaint
 > 	was not about the metric basis itself; but, rather, the
 > 	inability to rapidly and easily adjust to standard United
 > 	States paper sizes (which may remain even if they become
 > 	measured in metric units directly: e.g., 216mmx279mm).


Well, while you're at it, perhaps you could convince your
fellow Americans that "U" (as in "United States of America")
is the /21st/ letter of the alphabet, and not the first : it
would be really nice if, when attempting to install some American-
written software, the the first entry in the (otherwise
alphabetically ordered) drop-down country list were "Afghanistan"
or similar rather than "United States of America" ...

** Phil.

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