[texhax] hypenation matters, again

Calum Mackay calum.mackay at cdmnet.org
Mon Aug 16 03:46:29 CEST 2004

Following the recent thread on hyphenation, one of my users is asking 
about the converse issue: whereby TeX (LaTeX c.f. teTeX in this case) is 
hyphenating words he believes it shouldn't.

Appended is an example list of words he has to override. Is my friend 
being too picky, or does he have a misconfiguration somewhere (which 
would undoubtedly be my fault; or perhaps his own settings, also appended).

All comment gratefully appreciated.

best regards,





\tolerance 1414
\hbadness 1414
\emergencystretch 1.5em
\hfuzz 0.3pt
\vfuzz \hfuzz

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