[texhax] md5 checksums and/or pgp signatures

Diana Stockdale diana at mpl.ucsd.edu
Mon Jun 30 13:06:23 CEST 2003

Karl -

Thanks for the md5sums.  No shock treatment today (they match).

Would you guys consider pgp/gpg signing your sw in the future?
I think there might be others out there who would appreciate it.

Thanks again,

- Diana

> In any case, the md5sum's I get (from a different CTAN site) are:
> a16f6bba227d55e79aeee46fbbd82d28  tetex-src-2.0.2.tar.gz
> d3bdb96f9077e43b2115d3cc471743b3  tetex-texmf-2.0.2.tar.gz
> 40d4b2c5582eccbee4b6ec692c3cc253  tetex-texmfsrc-2.0.2.tar.gz
> I'll be shocked if yours are different :).
> Regards,
> karl

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