[texhax] Matching specification.

GMX hsrai at gmx.net
Mon Jun 16 13:50:31 CEST 2003

I need to prepare some document for which following specifications are

     |  Font: Times  New Roman,  Size 14  for  the Title,  12 for  the
     |  Author's Name 11 for the affiliation 10 for the text.

I want to know:

1) What size represented by \large \Huge  etc. if I use 10pt option in
   documentclass. Are 11, 12, 14 size manuplated through such commands
   or there is some other better way.

2) Is  `Times New  Roman' default  font for  LaTeX standard  report or
   article class. If not, then can I use `Times New Roman'.

Thanks in advance.


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