[texhax] Calss file

Tom Schneider toms at ncifcrf.gov
Wed Jun 4 14:38:09 CEST 2003


| Lastly, anyone know of any packages specifically for biomedical
| journals?


might help.  I put together what I can for molecular biologists.

For basic text, it is pretty easy to switch journals, though each have
their own bibliography format, so one has to have the BiBTeX program
(.bst) for each.  Also, journals want differnt orders, have different
lengths for abstracts, different keyword rules, etc so switching can
take more work than one might like.


  Dr. Thomas D. Schneider
  National Cancer Institute
  Laboratory of Experimental and Computational Biology
  Frederick, Maryland  21702-1201
  toms at ncifcrf.gov
  permanent email: toms at alum.mit.edu (use only if first address fails)

PS You used a special characterset which my mail program didn't like
so it said: "[Charset Windows-1252 unsupported, skipping...]"; simple
ascii would help!

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