TeX development fund

TeX Development Fund devfund at tug.org
Tue Jan 7 11:15:42 CET 2003

TUG (the TeX Users Group) initiated a new project last year: a TeX
Development Fund.  It was officially announced at the TUG 2002
conference in India, and there have been a few announcements since to
comp.text.tex and other forums.

The idea is to financially support TeX-related projects to the best of
our ability.  If you are currently involved in a TeXnical project, or
have an idea for one but need a little financial assistance, please
consider applying.

Please see http://tug.org/tc/devfund/ for more information and an online
application page, or email devfund at tug.org.  The primary deadline for
applications is February 1, 2003.

Finally, we would like to acknowledge that other TeX user groups have
long established similar programs.  It is not our intention to detract
from or compete with anyone else (just the opposite!), but only to do
what we can to foster the growth of TeX.

Please repost/forward this notice to anywhere you think appropriate.

Kaja Christiansen, Karl Berry

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