TUGboat 43:2 (2022)
The Communications of the TeX Users Group

Title: Using knitr and LaTeX for literate laboratory notes

Summary: background, desiderata, and solutions for lab notes.

Full text of article: publicly available now.

Author: Boris Veytsman

Publication: TUGboat volume 43, number 2 (2022), pages 130-133

DOI (this page): 10.47397/tb/43-2/tb134veytsman-labnotes
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Category: Software & Tools

Difficulty: Intermediate

Abstract: LaTeX allows the production of detailed laboratory notebooks, that can be easily read, searched and indexed. The addition of knitr helps to integrate the notebooks with the inclusion of typeset code and its output, such as plots, tables, etc.


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TUGboat 43:2, 2022 (issue 134)   [generated 2022-12-09]
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