TUGboat 43:2 (2022)
The Communications of the TeX Users Group

Title: TUG 2022 abstracts

Full text of article: publicly available now.

Authors: Oliver Austin, David Blakesley, Sarai Castañeda, Max Chernoff, Hong Dat Cheung, Jennifer Claudio, Jonathan Fine, Patrick Gundlach, Herbert Hickman, Nicolas Jimenez, Vafa Khalighi, Tia Luc, Matthew Mariano, Ross Moore, Aditya Ohri, Christopher Park, Emily Park, Norbert Preining, samcarter, Tanya Schmah, Tereza Vrabcová, Haibin Wu

Publication: TUGboat volume 43, number 2 (2022), pages 209-212

DOI (this page): 10.47397/tb/43-2/tb134abstracts
(previous doi - next doi)

Category: Abstracts

Section: Reports and notices

TUGboat 43:2, 2022 (issue 134)   [generated 2022-09-11]
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