TUGboat 43:1 (2022)
The Communications of the TeX Users Group

Title: Automatically removing widows and orphans with lua-widow-control

Summary: automated removal of widow and orphan lines, without stretching, in all Lua formats.

Full text of article: publicly available now.

Author: Max Chernoff

Publication: TUGboat volume 43, number 1 (2022), pages 28-39

DOI (this page): 10.47397/tb/43-1/tb133chernoff-widows
(previous doi - next doi)

Category: Methods

Difficulty: Advanced

Abstract: The lua-widow-control package, for plain LuaTeX/LuaLaTeX/ConTeXt/OpTeX, removes widows and orphans without any user intervention. Using the power of LuaTeX, it does so without stretching any glue or shortening any pages or columns. Instead, lua-widow-control automatically lengthens a paragraph on a page or column where a widow or orphan would otherwise occur.

To use lua-widow-control, all that most users need do is place \usepackage{lua-widow-control} in their preamble. No further changes are required.


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TUGboat 43:1, 2022 (issue 133)   [generated 2022-09-12]
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