New Computer Modern Roman is a first release of a new assembly of ComputerModern fonts plus glyphs for non latin alphabets which are considered compatible in style to CM fonts. The fonts contain Latin and accented latin letters and combinations, Greek (monotonic and polytonic) and Cyrillic. To get information of other versions of this font look into the page about the various versions of the Computer Modern fonts.
[Click on text example to enlarge] [PDF sample]
[LaTeX source of PDF sample]
\usepackage{fontspec} \usepackage{unicode-math} \setmainfont[% ItalicFont=NewCM10-Italic.otf,% BoldFont=NewCM10-Bold.otf,% BoldItalicFont=NewCM10-BoldItalic.otf,% SmallCapsFeatures={Numbers=OldStyle}]{NewCM10-Regular.otf} \setsansfont[% ItalicFont=NewCMSans10-Oblique.otf,% BoldFont=NewCMSans10-Bold.otf,% BoldItalicFont=NewCMSans10-BoldOblique.otf,% SmallCapsFeatures={Numbers=OldStyle}]{NewCMSans10-Regular.otf} \setmonofont[ItalicFont=NewCMMono10-Italic.otf,% BoldFont=NewCMMono10-Bold.otf,% BoldItalicFont=NewCMMono10-BoldOblique.otf,% SmallCapsFeatures={Numbers=OldStyle}]{NewCMMono10-Regular.otf} \setmathfont{NewCMMath-Regular.otf} \renewcommand*\familydefault{\sfdefault} %% Only if the base font of the document is to be sans serif
New Computer Modern Sans Serif exists as OpenType or TrueType only.
New Computer Modern Sans Serif is part of TeX Live.