The Domitian fonts are a free and open-source OpenType font family, based on the Palatino design by Hermann Zapf (1918-2015), as implemented in Palladio, the version distributed as part of URW's free Core 35 PostScript fonts (2.0). Domitian is meant as a drop-in replacement for Adobe's version of Palatino. It extends Palladio with small capitals, old-style figures and scientific inferiors. The metrics have been adjusted to more closely match Adobe Palatino, and hinting has been improved.
[Click on text example to enlarge] [PDF sample]
[LaTeX source of PDF sample]
\usepackage{mathpazo} \usepackage{domitian} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \let\oldstylenums\oldstyle
Domitian is available as Type 1.
Domitian is available as OpenType or TrueType.
Domitian is part of TeX Live.