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Issue 2010, Number 2    [Published 2011-02-07]

Sweave - Interface entre R e LaTeX

Cassiano Sousa Rosa & Og DeSouza

Resumo: É comum depararmos com o problema da gravação em arquivos separados dos comandos e dos gráficos, se o sistema estatístico R é utilizado. Outro problema seria localizar o código que originou aquele determinado gráfico. Para as pessoas que utilizam o R e também têm familiaridade com o LaTeX, agora existe uma boa solução para este problema, o Sweave.
Abstract: When using R for statistical analyses, it is common to keep the data analyses, the results of experiments, and graphs in separate files. Fortunately, for R users who also use LaTeX, there is a tool for organizing these files: Sweave! This paper presents a very short account on how Sweave integrates R and LaTeX to keep both input and output of statistical analyses in a single style file.

Og DeSouza has a PhD in Ecology, and does research on termite ecology and behaviour at Federal University of Viçosa, Brazil, where he is Associate Professor. Currently he is Associate Editor for Neotropical Entomology, CNPq Research Fellow, and visiting scientist to the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology at Wallingford, UK. You may reach him at og dot souza at ufv dot br.
Cassiano S. Rosa holds a MSc in Animal Biology from the Federal University of Viçosa, Brazil, where is enrolled as a PhD student in Entomology. His research is focused on ecology and behaviour of termites and termitophiles.

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