[XeTeX] XeTeX and Windows XP

John Was john.was at ntlworld.com
Tue May 15 17:14:18 CEST 2007

Hello Jonathan

Well that's what I thought but I must be missing something - the 
documentation might be on the installation somewhere but I haven't found it. 
I did locate xetex.exe which gave me the TeX prompt in a command box, and I 
typeset a simple ASCII file.  When I tried to do the same with a Unicode 
Text file it typeset it but with hundreds of missing character messages in 
the log - not surprising since without any font calls the text is set in CM 
roman.  I have not yet discovered how one actually calls a Unicode font, 
sets up the directory structure so that it knows where one keeps one's fonts 
and .TEX files, or indeed how to get a decent TeX interface out of the 
TexLive distribution - but possibly when I've clicked enough buttons and 
worked through a few dozen more README files I might get there.  It's the 
usual TeX curse that everybody seems to assume all users are up to speed 
with KPathsee and all that stuff.  I've been shielded from it for years by 
simply transferring my EmTeX installation with 4AllTeX interface from one 
computer to another, so (as an end user and occasional macro writer as 
opposed to a programming expert) I'm rather at sea.  I think I once had the 
relevant knowledge but it's long since got buried....

No doubt it'll all be up and running before too long, though I suspect it'll 
not be through the opacities of the TeXLive distribution (which I installed 
in the 'complete' version) but through Akira Kakuto's set-up, which seems 



----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jonathan Kew" <jonathan_kew at sil.org>
To: "Unicode-based TeX for Mac OS X and other platforms" <xetex at tug.org>
Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2007 3:58 PM
Subject: JunkEmail: Re: [XeTeX] XeTeX and Windows XP

>> On May 15, 2007, at 9:54 AM, John Was wrote:
>>> Does anyone have any advice (apart from 'Don't') about installing
>>> XeTeX in Windows XP?
> If you install TeX Live 2007 (the default "medium" option, or a more
> complete setup), it should just work. XeTeX is included; no need to
> install anything more.
> JK
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