[XeTeX] Traditional TeX ligatures once again

Evgenie Medvedev medvedev at project7.ru
Thu Jun 28 17:46:53 CEST 2007

Jonathan Kew wrote:

> True; that just tries to emulate the behavior found in the default  
> CMR fonts (and others that follow the same pattern).

	Well, at least anyone who cares about proper typography seems to be
using << and >>, no idea how exactly this works, although I was under
the impression that CMR was the font I've been getting by default. I'll
need to dig through more math papers in LaTeX source to make sure.

> I think you should create a tex-cyrillic mapping, similar to the tex- 
> text mapping but containing these replacements and any others that  
> are normally expected (at the ligature level; not control sequences)  
> by Cyrillic-script users.

	It worked, thank you very much! Although I made a mistake initially --
<< should be U+00AB and >> is U+00BB.
	I'll do some further research on expected ligature-level mappings
(German-style quotes are also used occasionally in Russian typography,
but I don't know if there are sequences commonly used for those yet.)
and post the result to the list tomorrow.

> That would be great. I just put together a minimal list as a test,  
> but am not a Russian speaker/reader.

	Barring unforeseen problems (I guess I'll have to write a few scripts
to generate the full set and produce source code to check it.) I should
have it ready soon.

P.S. Also, there's a problem that results when using BibTeX styles from
the gost package which defines GOST standard citation styles (supposed
to be required in Russia, but I haven't seen a thesis rigorously
following them yet...) with hyperref -- an extraneous space before
http:// causes it to render http:// URLs to "file:// http://..." as seen
in Acrobat Reader, which obviously doesn't work as it should. I'm under
the impression that this only comes up when using XeTeX, though I might
be mistaken here. Is this a XeTeX problem, a style definition problem,
or a hyperref problem, how should "\url{ http://...}" behave when
generating a pdf? I fixed it by making an altered style where I removed
the space for now, but I'm not sure if this is the proper solution,
otherwise someone would trip over it when using pdfLaTeX and fix it.

Evgenie Medvedev

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