[Tugindia] yap doesnot print with lx300 Printer

Bhaskaracharya Pratishthana tugindia@tug.org
Wed, 18 Dec 2002 16:20:42 +0530


Thanks for the reply!
I already tried similar options for epson printer.
Now I got one alternative, in yap there is postscript printer button, so 
it make automatically dvips of the file and prints.
If there is other smart alternative, we are in search of it.

with best wishes,
Manjusha Joshi

S. venkataraman wrote:

>I do not use dotmatrix printer, but I have a small suggestion.
>Set the printer mode in yap to an appropriate epson printer.  Then, try
>Best of luck,
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From:	Bhaskaracharya Pratishthana [SMTP:bhaskara_p@vsnl.com]
>>Sent:	Tuesday, December 17, 2002 2:02 PM
>>To:	tugindia@tug.org
>>Subject:	[Tugindia] yap doesnot print with lx300 Printer
>>I am using miktex2.1 with windows 98. In my department everybody
>>epson LX-300 printers and they want to print dvi file with the printer
>>from yap. From ghostview it is possible to print with same printer.
>>we want to setup it for yap which is dvi viewer.
>>I installed  wiondows driver for the printer, but still from 
>>yap->view->options->printer there is no option comes for LX-300.
>>Can anyone suggest with existing system how one can setup?
>>with best regards,
>>Manjusha Joshi
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