[tldistro] texlive2012 approaching

Karl Berry karl at freefriends.org
Sat May 26 01:42:11 CEST 2012

Hello TL distro folk,

As many of you already know, we are coming close to finishing the builds
for TeX Live 2012.  Not all the doc is updated yet, etc., but I've
nevertheless started building the images (iso + tarballs as before).
They are at ftp://tug.org/texlive/Images/test.

If you want to peruse TL'12 for any changes/problems related to your
distro before it gets released, now would be a good time.

The general pretest page with the brief list of changes is
http://tug.org/texlive/pretest.html as before.


P.S. Jukka or any other NetBSDers, if you happen to see this (and not
any of my other mail sent recently), please get in touch.  We will have
to drop the netbsd binaries if they are not updated shortly.

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