[tldistro] TeX Live is now in the Cygwin distro

Norbert Preining preining at logic.at
Fri Mar 9 23:48:35 CET 2012

On Fr, 09 Mär 2012, Ken Brown wrote:
> I'm not familiar with the multi-version of updmap.  Can you tell me what  
> it is in a few words?  Or is it documented yet?

In short words, it reads *all* the updmap.cfg files it finds. Then
layers them on top of each other, so that yo can disable  former entries
in later (more important) updmap.cfg files.

It will be the efault in TL2012, but we cannot ship it till
the freeze.

Here is the output of updmap --help with the new one
mupdmap (TeX Live, multi) version $Id: mupdmap.pl 25531 2012-02-28 07:18:43Z preining $
Usage: mupdmap     [OPTION] ... [COMMAND]
   or: mupdmap-sys [OPTION] ... [COMMAND]

Update the default font map files used by pdftex, dvips, and dvipdfm(x),
(and optionally pxdvi) as determined by all configuration files updmap.cfg 
(the ones returned by running "kpsewhich --all updmap.cfg", but see below).

Among other things, these map files are used to determine which fonts
should be used as bitmaps and which as outlines, and to determine which
fonts are included in the output.

By default, the TeX filename database (ls-R) is also updated.

  --cnffile FILE            read FILE for the updmap configuration 
                            (can be given multiple times, in which case
                            all the files are used)
  --dvipdfmoutputdir DIR    specify output directory (dvipdfm syntax)
  --dvipsoutputdir DIR      specify output directory (dvips syntax)
  --pdftexoutputdir DIR     specify output directory (pdftex syntax)
  --pxdvioutputdir DIR      specify output directory (pxdvi syntax)
  --outputdir DIR           specify output directory (for all files)
  --copy                    cp generic files rather than using symlinks
  --force                   recreate files even if config hasn't changed
  --nomkmap                 do not recreate map files
  --nohash                  do not run texhash
  -n, --dry-run             only show the configuration, no output
  --quiet, --silent         reduce verbosity

  --help                    show this message and exit
  --version                 show version information and exit
  --showoptions OPTION      show possible settings for OPTION
  --showoption OPTION       show the current setting of OPTION
  --setoption OPTION VALUE  set OPTION to value
  --setoption OPTION=VALUE  as above, just different syntax
  --enable MAPTYPE MAPFILE  add "MAPTYPE MAPFILE" to updmap.cfg,
                              where MAPTYPE is either Map, MixedMap, KanjiMap
  --enable Map=MAPFILE      add "Map MAPFILE" to updmap.cfg
  --enable MixedMap=MAPFILE add "MixedMap MAPFILE" to updmap.cfg
  --enable KanjiMap=MAPFILE add "KanjiMap MAPFILE" to updmap.cfg
  --disable MAPFILE         disable MAPFILE, whether Map, MixedMap, or KanjiMap
  --listmaps                list all active and inactive maps
  --listavailablemaps       same as --listmaps, but without
                             unavailable map files
  --syncwithtrees           disable unavailable map files in updmap.cfg

Explanation of the map types: the (only) difference between Map and
MixedMap is that MixedMap entries are not added to psfonts_pk.map.
KanjiMap entries are added to psfonts_t1.map and kanjix.map.
The purpose is to help users with printers that render Type 1 outline
fonts worse than mode-tuned Type 1 bitmap fonts.  So, MixedMap is used
for fonts that are available as both Type 1 and Metafont.

Explanation of the possible OPTIONS (showoptions, showoptions, setoption):

  dvipsPreferOutline    true|false  (default true)
    Whether dvips uses bitmaps or outlines, when both are available.
  dvipsDownloadBase35   true|false  (default false)
    Whether dvips includes the standard 35 PostScript fonts in its output.
  pdftexDownloadBase14  true|false   (default true)
    Whether pdftex includes the standard 14 PDF fonts in its output.
  pxdviUse              true|false  (default false)
    Whether maps for pxdvi (Japanese-patched xdvi) is under control of updmap.
  LW35                  URWkb|URW|ADOBEkb|ADOBE  (default URWkb)
    Adapt the font and file names of the standard 35 PostScript fonts.
    URWkb    URW fonts with "berry" filenames    (e.g. uhvbo8ac.pfb)
    URW      URW fonts with "vendor" filenames   (e.g. n019064l.pfb)
    ADOBEkb  Adobe fonts with "berry" filenames  (e.g. phvbo8an.pfb)
    ADOBE    Adobe fonts with "vendor" filenames (e.g. hvnbo___.pfb)
  kanjiEmbed            (any string)
  kanjiVariant          (any string)

  These options are only read and acted on by updmap; dvips, pdftex, etc.,
  do not know anything about them.  They work by changing the default map
  file which the programs read, so they can be overridden by specifying
  command-line options or configuration files to the programs, as
  explained at the beginning of updmap.cfg.

  The options kanjiEmbed and kanjiVariant govern special replacements
  in the map lines. If a map contains the string @kanjiEmbed@, then
  this will be replaced by the value of the respective option. Similarly
  for kanjiVariant. This way users of Japanese TeX can select different
  fonts to be included in the final pdf.

Explanation of trees and files normally used:



  updmap reads all the updmap.cfg found by
    kpsewhich -all updmap.cfg
  or those given on the command line with --cnffile. If kpsewhich is
  used to determine the list of config files, there is one caveat: An
  occurrence of updmap.cfg in TEXMFLOCAL is moved up in the priority
  list just after files from TEXMFCONFIG, TEXMFVAR and TEXMFHOME. This
  allows system administrator to override settings in 
  TEXMFSYSCONFIG/web2c/updmap.cfg which is used by tlmgr to manage
  the installed options.


  updmap reads all the updmap.cfg files found by
    kpsewhich -all updmap.cfg
  in the order returned by kpsewhich. There is one exception to keep
  upgradability from earlier versions of TeX Live: If there is a file
  TEXMFLOCAL/web2c/updmap-local.cfg (which was formerly used by tlmgr
  to merge local fonts), then a (not necessarily existing) file
  TEXMFLOCAL/web2c/updmap.cfg is ignored and the updmap-local.cfg is
  used instead. In this case updmap recognizes also the syntax for
  disabling map files in the updmap-local.cfg (this syntax was different
  to what is used now!).

  According to the actions updmap might write to one of the given files or
  create a new updmap.cfg, see below for details.

  If multiple updmap.cfg files are found, all the map files mentioned
  in all the updmap.cfg files are merged.

  CAVEATS with multiple updmap.cfg files
  * where changes are saved
    If config files are given on the cmd line, then the first given will
    be used to save changes (by --setoption, --enable or --disable).
    If the config files are taken from kpsewhich, then the algorithm is 
    more complex:
    - if one of $TEXMFHOME/web2c/updmap.cfg or $TEXMFCONFIG/web2c/updmap.cfg
      appears in the list of used files, then the one given *first* by
      kpsewhich --all, or equivalently, the one given by kpsewhich updmap.cfg,
      is used
    - if none of the above two are present, a new config file is created
      in $TEXMFCONFIG/web2c/updmap.cfg (in case there are actual changes)
      and used

  * multiple font definitions
    If a font is defined multiple times in different maps, then the
    definition of the map file that comes from the highest priority
    updmap.cfg file is used.
    If a font is defined multiple times in the same map file, an
    arbitrary definition is used.
    In both cases warnings are issued.

  * disabling map files
    updmap.cfg files with higher priority can disable map files that
    are mentioned in lower priority updmap.cfg files by disabling
    them, i.e., writing
      #! Map mapname.map
      #! MixedMap mapname.map
    into the higher prioprity updmap.cfg file. 

    As an example take a user with a copy of the commercial MTPRO fonts.
    He wants to disable the belleek version of the fonts, that is
    disable the map belleek.map. The user should create a updmap.cfg file
    in $TEXMFCONFIG/web2c/updmap.cfg with the content
      #! Map belleek.map
      Map mt-plus.map
      Map mt-yy.map
    and call mupdmap.

  updmap writes the map files for dvips (psfonts.map) and pdftex
  (pdftex.map) to the TEXMFVAR/fonts/map/updmap/{dvips,pdftex}/

  The log file is written to TEXMFVAR/web2c/updmap.log.

  When updmap-sys is run, TEXMFSYSCONFIG and TEXMFSYSVAR are used
  instead.  This is the only difference between updmap-sys and updmap.

  Other locations can be used if overridden on the command line, or these
  trees don't exist, or you are not using the original TeX Live.

  To see the precise locations of the various files that
  will be read and written, give the -n option (or read the man page).

For step-by-step instructions on making new fonts known to TeX, read
http://tug.org/fonts/fontinstall.html.  For even more terse
instructions, read the beginning of updmap.cfg.

Report bugs to: tex-k at tug.org
TeX Live home page: <http://tug.org/texlive/>
Best wishes

Norbert Preining            preining@{jaist.ac.jp, logic.at, debian.org}
JAIST, Japan                                 TeX Live & Debian Developer
DSA: 0x09C5B094   fp: 14DF 2E6C 0307 BE6D AD76  A9C0 D2BF 4AA3 09C5 B094
The kind of family that drives to the seaside and then sits in the car
with all the windows closed, reading the Sunday Express and wearing
sidcups (q.v.)
			--- Douglas Adams, The Meaning of Liff

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