[tlbuild] tl - autoconf - poppler

Karl Berry karl at freefriends.org
Mon May 25 00:49:33 CEST 2015

    Could this be a failure created by using automake 1.14.1 ? 

I don't recall that we explicitly used any 1.15 features -- we just
habitually use the latest official release of the GNU autostuff.  So if
you reautoconf everything with 1.14.1, maybe it's ok ...

    Package poppler was not found in the pkg-config search path.

Maybe try explicitly

Other question that comes to mind: what is it trying to configure when
it's doing this?  Maybe using the system freetype implies using system
poppler?  Sorry, I don't have the energy to trace it all right now.

Oh well, Peter will know.  Just ignore my speculations :).


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