[tlbuild] Building TeXLive2013 on MinGW (Yung-Jang Lee)

Karl Berry karl at freefriends.org
Fri Feb 15 01:37:22 CET 2013

    Just curious: if that is actually the case, wouldn't something like
        svn propset svn:eol-style LF source/m4/*.m4
    also solve the problem? (Without the need for a special config file;

The config file is already not needed for the case of read-only
checkouts (at least as far as properties go; use-commit-times=yes is
probably needed for anyone doing a build).

The whole idea of Subversion's enable-auto-props is, as the name says,
to tell Subversion to "automatically" "enable" "properties".  That is,
svn is setting those properties in the repository, and thus everyone
doing a checkout gets them.

Thus, if you run
  svn proplist --verbose Master/texmf-dist/scripts/listings-ext
you will set that the svn:eol-style property is already set.

In the past, it was the case that files with LF line endings caused all
kinds of dire trouble on Windows, so we never did that.  I'm glad to
hear that is apparently no longer the case.  I'll make some changes in
that regard as soon as I have a chance.


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