[texworks] SCRIPTS: inserting accented letters

Paul A Norman paul.a.norman at gmail.com
Tue Feb 1 02:57:06 CET 2011


After a request for information on the list for inserting accented letters
( "How can I show mutated vowels (umlaut)"), thought to make a little
customisable trial script for situations where the occasional accented
letter is required in differing languages.

This can be achieved in LaTeX using \stuff but as it seems that under a
UTF-8 document using pdflatex these direct characters come out directly in
the pdf, I have left it as it is for now. Also it is easier to work with, if
the character already looks somewhat like its pdf version.

Should work in differing OS-es hopefully - appreciate any feedback on that
point particularly  please - I may need to change to a numeric utf-8 style
generation of the characeters.

I've set the short cut to Alt+C Alt+A (Character - Accented) - you can
change that at the top of the script.

When inserted in your document, these (especially capitals) may look strange
in certain editor fonts, but should produce ok under pdflatex, if your
production font has the characters
   and if

% !TEX TS-program = pdflatex
% !TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode

   is at the top of your TeXworks document.

paul.a.norman at gmail.com


Unzip to any directory under you TeXworks script directory - see
 for further information.

Change the Alt key combination if you want/need to avodid conflicts with any
existing scripts.

Use Tw Menu item, Scripts/Scripting TeXworks/Reload


In you editing document Hold down the Alt Key and before releasing it, tap
the A and then the C keys, than release the Alt key.

Drop down boxe(s) appear, for speed use the arrow keys, and the Enter Key to
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