[texworks] Script: QtWebKit Module - "bridge JavaScript ... Qt object model " (branched from Questions about the API)

T T t34www at googlemail.com
Wed Apr 14 18:25:54 CEST 2010

On 14 April 2010 02:19, Reinhard Kotucha <reinhard.kotucha at web.de> wrote:
> On 14 April 2010 Paul A Norman wrote:
>  > I'm getting a bit hopeful here ...
>  >
>  > >> AFAIK, Qt can in principal display HTML (e.g. inside a label, text edit,
>  > >> etc.). This is currently not exposed to the scripts. However, I don't
>  > >> think it would be of much use as there is no easy way to communicate
>  > >> with the html objects. So you could design a nice interface, but you
>  > >> wouldn't get any of the user's input. But I'll have to look into this a
>  > >> little more, maybe there is a way.
>  > >>
>  >
>  > >I had some idea there was some sort of Qt  HTML module mentioned once
>  > >- but I know absolutely nothing about it - found this on a search
>  > >today
>  >                 http://doc.trolltech.com/4.4/qtwebkit.html
>  >
>  > I can see how this could possibly give us a
>  >           1. really good detailed internal help system for packages
>  > and commands
> A help system is certainly appreciated.  I think that if people ask
> for documentation about a particular package, texdoc should be used,
> but if they don't know which package supports what they need, it's
> quite helpful to have an interface to Robin's FAQ.
> I'm sure that making Qt's HTML module available to the scripting
> engines would be a great step forward.

I also think that such an integrated web help would be a fantastic
addition, and not only for newbies.  As for texdoc, I see no reason
why such a help system could not use it to open relevant PDF
documentation in TW's integrated viewer.



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