[protext] query

Thomas Feuerstack Thomas.Feuerstack at fernuni-hagen.de
Mon Oct 24 12:30:23 CEST 2005


Antoine Gualtierotti wrote:

> pushing the LATEX button, I get an error message telling me to go to the 
> installation wizard
> which gives me no help. Could you provide at least a hint as to what
> is the problem?

hmm, sounds strange. Whats happens when you open a DOS-Command-Box (i.e. 
by clicking the Command-Symbol in the upperright corner of WinEdt) and 
try the LaTeX-Call manually by typing

latex test.tex

and hitting return?

If everyhing fails: Could you provide me with some additional 
information what Windows-Version you're using?

And: Did you install WinEdt before MiKTeX? In case you did this, try 
deinstalling WinEdt and reinstall it afterwards.

Good luck - Thomas

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