[pdftex] TeX/LaTeX Survey: Questions Requested

story at uakron.edu story at uakron.edu
Sun Jan 23 18:17:19 CET 2005

Hello, I'm in the process of putting the finishing touches on my
new eqExam package, a LaTeX package that is used to author exams, test,
quizzes, homework assignments, etc.  It is a standalone package that
is tightly  integrated with my AcroTeX Bundle. When you take the
'online' or 'email' option, various fields are converted to form fields
that the user can interact with from within the Adobe Reader.

The package can be used to create online questionnaires, teacher
evaluations, surveys, etc.

As a demo of this feature, I thought I'm make up a TeX/LaTeX survey and
offer it to the TeX community. Once the survey is created and
published, after a suitable period of time, I'll publish a summary of
the responses.

So, I ask any interested person to send me a question or two. Questions
can be multiple choice, fill-in the blank, True/False, or essay.
Send your questions to dpstory at uakron.edu



Dr. D. P. Story / Dept. of Theoretical and Applied Mathematics / The University of Akron /
Akron, OH 44325 / dpstory at uakron.edu /
Personal URL: http://www.math.uakron.edu/~dpstory/
AcroTeX Web Site: http://www.math.uakron.edu/~dpstory/acrotex.html

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