[pdftex] Incorrect font embedding breaks ghostscript

Thomas Hopfner hopfner at lpr.e-technik.tu-muenchen.de
Tue Oct 1 09:27:20 CEST 2002

Hi all.

I have a "little" problem, which first seemed to be a ghostscript problem,
but now turns out to be a pdflatex related one. I use pdflatex for my
thesis and everything works fine, but when generating the thumbnails
(via thumbpdf.pl which in turn uses ghostscript) ghostscript fails with
"Error: /undefined in NP".  I reported the problem already to the
ghostscript developers and was told:

"The PDF file is incorrect. It includes a subsed of /CharterBT-
Roman font that uses NP procedure but doesn't define it in
the font header."

You can find this answer and my original report (including a tar archive
with pdflatex sources to reproduce the problem) under

I already searched your archives but didn't find anything about it. So,
is it really a pdftex font embedding problem? Is it fixed in a later
version of pdftex (I run RedHat 7.3 with teTeX-1.0.7-47 which includes
"pdfTeX (Web2C 3.14159-0.14h-released-20010417"). 

For your convenience, is here the main part of my original report:

If a PDF document generated by pdflatex contains some
special combinations of type1 fonts, gs (various unix
and win versions tested, directly (gs file.pdf) and
indirect (gv/gsview file.pdf) fails with "Error:
/undefined in NP" while
acroread and xpdf have no problems to display the document.

The special combination I mentioned before can be seen
in the output of pdflatex. In the last lines you can
see the used fonts. If the encoding (8r.enc) is loaded
as first file everything is fine, else gs fails to load
the document.

Thanks a lot for your help.


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