[OS X TeX] MLA-style Template

Alan T Litchfield alan at alphabyte.co.nz
Wed Mar 31 21:09:27 CEST 2010

I use a text editor on the bib file (whatever is handy/installed but  
usually Notepad, WinEdt, TecnicCenter, or the like) and have  
references split into alphabetical lists demarcated by

%%%%% -A- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%, etc

When I want to find a reference, just do a search on -A-, -B-, etc. or  
scroll. Since all references are together searching is all text based.


On 1/04/2010, at 7:19 AM, Adam M. Goldstein wrote:

> While we are on this topic...has anyone had any luck with JabRef? So  
> far as I can tell, it will *delete* all nonstandard BibTeX fields,  
> which is crazy. I've been looking for something that Windows  
> collaborators can use (we don't have RefWorks or the like) to edit a  
> BibTeX database, but I haven't found anything. What do windows  
> people do?
> Adam
> On Mar 31, 2010, at 9:37 AM, Simon Spiegel wrote:
>> On 31.03.2010, at 15:32, David Messerschmitt wrote:
>>> Regarding a reference manager, I have found Refworks.com to be a  
>>> valuable resource. It stores a database of references organized in  
>>> folders, and both imports and exports references in various  
>>> formats including bibtex, word, etc. So you can keep one  
>>> "universal" reference database that can be used seamlessly in  
>>> various places.
>>> My university licenses the site (most do), and Google scholar can  
>>> be configured to export references to my refworks account -- that  
>>> is a good way to capture references without any typing, although  
>>> sometimes a little cleanup is needed following the capture.
>>> Another cool idea is to share a refworks account with  
>>> collaborators, so you are keeping a joint database accessible to  
>>> all.
>>> I am sure that others have their fav system, e.g. Endnote.
>> Endnote is no one's fav system, it's a curse which should be  
>> avoided by all means.

Alan T Litchfield
PO Box 141, Auckland, 1140
New Zealand

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