[OS X TeX] Skim SKAutoReloadFileUpdate

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Thu Dec 18 16:40:52 CET 2008

Am 18.12.2008 um 15:20 schrieb Adam M. Goldstein:

> But then if I use (say) emacs as my editor and TeXShop as a viewer,  
> presumably the TeXShop PDF viewer doesn't have the information.

I am using GNU Emacs as editor and TeXShop as viewer. No sync or  
whatever is sent to TeXShop. The problem I can see is that TeXShop  
writes into the Console that it misses something:

	warning: CMapName specified but not defined.

IMO it's not necessary to mention this. It can happen when a file  
changes and before this action has finished it is already re-read.



Eternity is a terrible thought. I mean, where's it going to end?
				- Tom Stoppard

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