[OS X TeX] Update of TeXShop latexmk Engines.

Herbert Schulz herbs at wideopenwest.com
Thu Dec 28 20:16:14 CET 2006


The LatexmkTeXShop.zip distribution of latexmk for TeXShop has been  
updated (download from <http://homepage.mac.com/herbs2/>) to take  
care of some (inconsequential) latexmk warnings when using the  
latexmk, pdflatexmk and xelatexmk engines.

What was done:

Latexmk tries to use the BIBINPUTS environment variable to search  
for .bib files. Since bibtex uses kpsewhich to find the path for .bib  
files that environment variable is usually undefined and latexmk  
issues a warning that the .bib file isn't found unless it is in same  
directory as the .tex file being processed. Bibtex still finds the  
file and it all still works but the warning is annoying.

I've added the line

export BIBINPUTS=${BIBINPUTS}:`kpsewhich --show-path=bib`

before the executable line in the the latexmk, pdflatexmk and  
xelatexmk engine files in the LatexmkTeXShop distribution for using  
latexmk with TeXShop. This appends (just in case BIBINPUTS is  
specially defined) the results of the kpsewhich path search for .bib  
files to BIBINPUTS.

If anyone sees a problem with this please let me know; it's stable on  
my system, which is fairly vanilla. In particular, does it work  
properly on a system which already has BIBINPUTS defined?

Good Luck,

Herb Schulz
(herbs at wideopenwest.com)

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