[luatex] Luajittex 0.75.0 announcement

Marco Patzer homerow at lavabit.com
Sun Mar 3 17:25:12 CET 2013

On 2013–03–03 Arno Trautmann wrote:

> It certainly helped and I got it working, thank you!
> However, in the binaries link I only found 0.72, not 0.75 – I guess
> they are not already updated?

I uploaded the solaris-i386 binary two days ago and it is on version
0.75. I tried the linux binary and indeed, it's still version 0.72.
Maybe the builders for the other platforms missed the announcement
or are struggling with failing builds.

> I did not rebuild the format with luajittex – is this a problem?

I have no idea, I always rebuilt the format, when I change or update
the engine. You can find out, just generate a new format, try the
failing code and see if the error remains :)

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