[l2h] newbie questions

Erling D. Andersen e.d.andersen at mosek.com
Wed Aug 3 07:59:34 CEST 2005

At 06:43 AM 8/3/2005, Clark Sims wrote:
>1) It seems like there are a lot of dead links abouth
>latex2html. Could someone tell me where the manual and
>the faq are?
>2) I got latex2html to run, but the equations all have
>a grey background instead of the white background of
>the rest of the page. How can I get the equations to
>have a white background?

Sometimes switching to gif files solves this problem. I have never got formulas working perfectly on 
Linux (something is left of bounding box I think) but on Windows it works nicely with gif images.


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