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Convenient Labelling of Graphics, The WARMreader Way

California Institute of Technology


Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia

Abstract:  This presentation describes a system for placing labels on included graphics in a way that does not require that the user be concerned with explicit lengths or coordinates. The full system was developed specifically for use on Macintosh computers but, due to its modularity, can be used with other systems as well.

The WARMreader (read `Wendy And Ross', selecting either for the `M') macro package reads symbolic information from a file, indicating the location of specially marked points to which labels are to be attached. It also provides a link to the XY-pic macros, which allow arbitrary labels to be attached to these marked points.

Of course, one also needs a method to create the files that are read by WARMreader. On the Macintosh, this is provided by a special plug-in to David Rand's Zephyr application. By simply clicking the mouse on the desired points, a file is built to contain all the required information.

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