Breathes there the man with the eye so blind
Who never for himself can find
The $cos$sine, `c' times `o' times `s'
run on to the rest
The sentence ending at et al.
Although no verb shall yet befall
Until a phrase two lines below
The endquotes where the quotes should go?
If such there be, away go he
To Delaware for a Ph.D.!
The thesis clerk no more shall check;
The only folks to judge his TEX
Are senior faculty, by norm
Concerned with content, not with form
His approval page they'll surely sign;
The publisher, with wit sublime,
His words in XML encases;
And, should he be obscure in places,
With sentence structure ill-prepared,
His authorship will now be shared:
Credit will to the copy editor belong
Grammatically correct, but scientifically wrong.
--Stephen Fulling