FEEDBACK If you were a participant at the TUG 2003 Conference in Hawaii, we would appreciate it very much if would you complete the following questionnaire and return it as soon as possible to <> Thanks. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- TUG2003 QUESTIONNAIRE -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------ABOUT THE CONFERENCE: 1) WAS THE LOCATION FOR THE CONFERENCE INTERESTING? Oh yes, it was wonderful. I cut out for a day to look at the volcano. Great! 2) WERE THE TOPICS COVERED OF INTEREST TO YOU? Yes, very worthwhile. 3) LIST THE TALKS/SUBJECTS THAT WERE THE MOST VALUABLE TO YOU. Hans is always amazing. Candy's talk was interesting. TE's talk was good, although he was obviously suffering from travel fatigue. 4) LIST THE TALKS/SUBJECTS THAT WERE THE LEAST VALUABLE TO YOU. I don't understand fonts. Speakers always put up a slide and say ``As you can see the results are decidely inferior'' and I can't see that at all. I also don't understand font issues like trademark, etc. And installation and handling .. well, I'm off now, so I'll stop. --------INTERNET CONNCECTIONS 5) WERE YOU SATISFIED WITH THE INTERNET ACCESS PROVIDED? I wasn't ableto get my wireless card to work and there didn't seem to be wired access. 6) WAS IT HELPFUL TO HAVE THE iBOOKS AVAILABLE AT THE WORKSHOPS AND FOR EMAIL ACCESS? I didn't use the email or the workshops. The Apple's were impressive machines. --------ACCOMMODATION AND TRANSPORTATION: 7) DID YOU HAVE ANY PROBLEMS WITH HOTEL ACCOMMODATION? No, none. 8) WERE HOTEL CHARGES AS YOU EXPECTED? Yes. 9) DID YOU HAVE PROBLEMS WITH TRANSPORTATION? No --------HOW COULD CONFERENCES BE BETTER ORGANIZED: 10) COMMENTS? My main note is that I couldn't use wireless access; I don't think that is yet a given. --------OTHER: 11) REMARKS Do talks and workshops for users (as opposed to developers) not work out? I know they have been tried, of course. --------SIGNATURE: