--------ABOUT THE CONFERENCE: 1) WAS THE LOCATION FOR THE CONFERENCE INTERESTING? Yes! I was dubious when I heard of Hawaii because I don't like "tourist attractions" but this place grew on me. It was wonderful. 2) WERE THE TOPICS COVERED OF INTEREST TO YOU? Fantastic. I particularly enjoyed learning of the history of TeX (and here Nelson Beebe was particularly helpful) and learning about omega and developments there. Hans Hagen was, as always, interesting. 3) LIST THE TALKS/SUBJECTS THAT WERE THE MOST VALUABLE TO YOU. See 2) 4) LIST THE TALKS/SUBJECTS THAT WERE THE LEAST VALUABLE TO YOU. ---- --------INTERNET CONNCECTIONS 5) WERE YOU SATISFIED WITH THE INTERNET ACCESS PROVIDED? Yes. Providing airport access is crucial nowadays; it meant we weren't out of touch. 6) WAS IT HELPFUL TO HAVE THE iBOOKS AVAILABLE AT THE WORKSHOPS AND FOR EMAIL ACCESS? Yes; useful to have actual demo machines so we can follow along. --------ACCOMMODATION AND TRANSPORTATION: 7) DID YOU HAVE ANY PROBLEMS WITH HOTEL ACCOMMODATION? None. The hotel was extremely well run; it was a large hotel, but without long lines. 8) WERE HOTEL CHARGES AS YOU EXPECTED? Yes. 9) DID YOU HAVE PROBLEMS WITH TRANSPORTATION? None; I rented a car. --------HOW COULD CONFERENCES BE BETTER ORGANIZED: 10) COMMENTS? Thanks to everyone who put this conference together. I could see that LOTS AND LOTS of preparation and hard work went into the conference, but it always seemed relaxed and exciting. --------OTHER: 11) REMARKS --------SIGNATURE: