--------ABOUT THE CONFERENCE: 1) WAS THE LOCATION FOR THE CONFERENCE INTERESTING? Very much. 2) WERE THE TOPICS COVERED OF INTEREST TO YOU? Somewhat. 3) LIST THE TALKS/SUBJECTS THAT WERE THE MOST VALUABLE TO YOU. Beebe A TEX Retrospective Quirk Programming Dynamic LATEX Documents Ranade The Spread of TEX in India: The role of outsourced typesetting 4) LIST THE TALKS/SUBJECTS THAT WERE THE LEAST VALUABLE TO YOU. Typesetting and fonts --------INTERNET CONNCECTIONS 5) WERE YOU SATISFIED WITH THE INTERNET ACCESS PROVIDED? Very much. 6) WAS IT HELPFUL TO HAVE THE iBOOKS AVAILABLE AT THE WORKSHOPS AND FOR EMAIL ACCESS? I didn't attend the workshop. The ssh/telnet access to my university account was very valuable. --------ACCOMMODATION AND TRANSPORTATION: 7) DID YOU HAVE ANY PROBLEMS WITH HOTEL ACCOMMODATION? None. 8) WERE HOTEL CHARGES AS YOU EXPECTED? Yes. 9) DID YOU HAVE PROBLEMS WITH TRANSPORTATION? No. --------HOW COULD CONFERENCES BE BETTER ORGANIZED: 10) COMMENTS? It might be worthwhile to consider ``educational'' talks by invited speakers about non latex-based technologies for processing and presenting math. --------OTHER: 11) REMARKS A great meeting! The organizers did a superb job! --------SIGNATURE: