Programming Dynamic LATEX Documents

James J. Quirk

Computer & Computational Sciences Division

Monday July 21, 2003

Los Alamos National Laboratory


This talk will present an overview of a co-operative programming model for generating dynamic LATEX documents. The basic aim, at least in the area of computational science where the model was conceived, is to allow researchers to substantiate scientific articles with inline computer simulations whose code is open to hard scrutiny.

The current implementation (see ) leverages off pdfLATEX in a sufficiently general manner to be of interest beyond its specialist origins. And the talk will describe how TEX is utilized to bring out its typesetting strengths, while hiding its programming weaknesses. Thus the material might serve to add a fresh perspective on the developments needed to keep TEX relevant in the 21st century.

[ abstract 32.3 KB ]

[ slides 97.2 KB ]

( no preprint )


As of January 6, 2005, AMRITA has a new website: which describes what the system is all about and has a number of nice PDF examples.

Wendy McKay 2005-01-17