Gary L. Gray
Engineering Science and Mechanics
The Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA 16802
Francesco Costanzo
Engineering Science and Mechanics
The Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA 16802
Thursday July 24, 2003
This paper will describe our experiences and lessons learned while teaching LATEX to a class of students (undergraduate and graduate students) during the Fall 2001 semester at The Pennsylvania State University. This was a one-credit course taken by 9 undergraduates students (all were juniors or seniors) and 15 graduate students.
We will discuss what material was covered in class, what resources were used in preparing the material, and what assignments were given to the students. In addition, we will discuss those materials and assignments that proved to be useful and those that were not so useful. We will discuss the lessons (both pedogogical and LATEX-related) learned by us. In addition, based on our experiences and interviews done of the students taking the class, we will present those lessons learned by the students and their recommendations for improving the class in the future.
Finally, we will give our wisdom and recommendations to those instructors who might wish to teach a similar class at their institution.