ATLIS Graphics & Design, Camp Hill, PA, USA
Abstract: Font Installation (Using David Siegel and Carol Toriumi-Lawrence's
digital version of Frank Lloyd Wright's lettering style for his Olive
Hill project which was named Eaglefeather as well as Prof. Hermann Zapf's
Zapfino which is bundled with Mac OS X)
- Acquiring fonts, purchasing, or downloading: reputable sources for
good quality fonts with acceptable imprimatur, guidelines for ethical
selection of fonts--do you know who made that font and why?
- Converting fonts (if necessary): Mac
PC/Unix and
elsewise, tools to use (or not use) for this
- Macros and Tools (FontInst and vfinst): automatic creation of Virtual Property Lists (vpl) and associated files
- Tweaking: adjusting a vpl to add additional ligatures and other
font features
- Installation: including batch processing of (for example) vpl2vf &c and where to put files
- Testing: a test suite of TeX macros and files to put a font
through its paces, and look for errors, or aspects of it which may be
improved upon through further tweaking
- Font Samples: an expansion upon Stephen Moye's nifty TeX sample
macros on CTAN