[yandytex] DVIWindo and MikTeX 2.7

Stéphane Valladier stephane at nhn.ou.edu
Sun Sep 21 08:37:49 CEST 2008

Hi All,

I currently have only one distribution of LaTeX on my machine (PC, 
Windows XP).
I was said that DVIWindo is a great dvi viewer, so I obtained the YandY 
CD from someone I knew had them, and chose to install the fonts, 
DVIWindo and all, but not the actual LaTeX part of YandY.

The dvi files I produced with MikTeX and that were displaying well on 
YaP, don't display well on DVIWindo. For example ligatures do not 
appear, and the resolution is terrible.

I have set the TEXFONTS parameter in my dviwindo.ini file to the 
location of the fonts folder of my MikTeX distribution.

Now here is the question:
Has anyone tried, and, hopefully, succeeded, to have DVIWindo work with 
DVI's produced by MikTeX ?

Help of any form will be more than welcome.

Many thanks !!

Stéphane Valladier
Rm 212
Homer L. Dodge Dept. of Physics & Astronomy
University of Oklahoma
440 W. Brooks St.
Norman, OK, 73019
Phone: (405)325-3961x36212

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